Back from the London Technology Week!
Interop 2015 this year was about quality over quantity: less traffic but much greater conversations. We would like to thank all of you that passed by to talk about dashboards and the way to improve performance tracking and KPIs.
Companies were coming to us with very specific business challenges they were trying to solve. Hopefully ClicData will be able to help them and they will soon enjoy dynamic dashboards.
It was the first time we were showing i4 in public and we really enjoyed our audience reaction to the new slick UI & design of ClicData. Our new main features such as the Team & Users management and the company portal also impressed quite a few for its ease of use.
As I said during my many live presentations: “the whole point is that, when you click “save”, you don’t have to think about it anymore, everything is automated! ”
Anyway, we are now busy debriefing all the conversations we had but I can already tell you that we have a lot of new features & connectors coming up in the next couple of months inspired by you!
Looking forward to our next event!