KPI Examples

Key Performance Indicators can be applied to many different dynamic areas within a company. Bottom line is that they help to keep track of growth and controlling planning and cost. When you discuss KPIs with anyone in your Enterprise it’s important to get down to specifics by giving concrete KPI examples so that the discussion doesn’t remain too theoretical (even if it’s always good to have the same KPI definition as your colleagues). In principal business people know that they need KPIs to track their performance but they only take the measure of the dashboarding power once they see KPI examples. Next step is to customize the KPI example to their own need.

The most common format to share KPIs within an organization is the KPI report. Report usually have the bad habit of being static but they have the merit of getting business teams used to follow their performance indicators on a regular basis.

KPI Dashboard Marketing

Marketing ROI is always questioned! Did this campaign bring more sales? Were these leads of the best possible value? If most sales are done directly by the field force, good Key Performance Indicator examples are Deal conversion rates, salesforce force effectiveness, and number of calls per week. If you sell your product online, Key performance indicators would be focused on web analytics with interactions indicators such as number of unique visitors to the website, page conversion rates over time and bounce rates.
Campaign results also need to be included in the specifics of KPI dashboard marketing. That includes controlling Adwords stats as well as email campaign performance with automatic KPI such as delivery rate, open rate, click rate and unsubscription rate.

Each new piece of content should also be put under the marketing performance radar. That is the case with ebooks or white papers whose success is mostly measured in number of downloads and prospect conversion from these downloads. Deeper analysis can then be ran on which messages made it work and which buying persona responded the most to each of the many communications.


KPI Dashboard Social Media

Social media dashboards can include 2 levels of stats. There are the basic KPIs which show the social media activities impact with the number of followers over time for Twitter and Linked-in or the number of likes and Friends for Facebook. These Key Performance Indicators are included in the marketing dashboards or specific social media dashboards.

The deeper social media KPIs level is most interesting as marketing managers help the sales team understand their prospects or customers attitude within the social media. In this case it’s not just about concrete statistics but also the content of the social media communications. The dashboard would for example display the latest social media interactions for a given customer allowing the sales person to customize his call to the extreme.

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